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April 2022: Re-launch of CTAC Associates LTD

During April 2022 CTAC Associates LTD (CTAC) is being re-launched and the first event where CTAC is to be promoted is the United Kingdom Automatic Control Council (UKACC) International Conference CONTROL2022 being hosted by the University of Plymouth 20-22 April 2022. Leaflets advertising the re-launch are to be distributed amongst the delegates in attendance at the conference.

CTAC CEO, Keith Burnham, will be co-chairing a Mini-Symposium organised on behalf of the Institute of Measurement and Control, as part of CONTROL2022 on 21 April. The title of the Mini-Symposium is: Developments in Control Systems and Decision Making for Connected Autonomous Vehicles.

Further information on CONTROL2022 may be obtained from:

A brief history of CTAC

The origins of CTAC date back to 1987 when a research group was formed at Coventry Polytechnic between the Department of Mathematics and the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Systems Engineering. The research group, originally known as the Control Theory & Applications Group (CTAG), became known as CTAC when it was recognised as a research centre of excellence in 1992; being awarded external funding at the same time that the institution became Coventry University.

The research activities of CTAC continued to grow steadily over the years. It became renowned for solving real industrial problems and it earned both national and international recognition in the field of control systems. In March 2015 the established research centres at Coventry University were dissolved and formally closed.

In October 2014 CTAC Associates LTD was incorporated as a registered company and it was launched in January 2015. CTAC remained dormant until the re-launch in April 2022.