April 2022: Re-launch of CTAC Associates LTD

During April 2022 CTAC Associates LTD (CTAC) is being re-launched and the first event where CTAC is to be promoted is the United Kingdom Automatic Control Council (UKACC) International Conference CONTROL2022 being hosted by the University of Plymouth 20-22 April 2022. Leaflets advertising the re-launch are to be distributed amongst the delegates in attendance at the conference.

CTAC CEO, Keith Burnham, will be co-chairing a Mini-Symposium organised on behalf of the Institute of Measurement and Control, as part of CONTROL2022 on 21 April. The title of the Mini-Symposium is: Developments in Control Systems and Decision Making for Connected Autonomous Vehicles.

Further information on CONTROL2022 may be obtained from: control2022@plymouth.ac.uk